Naheed Nenshi, still running alone to retain his job in this fall’s election, has finally booked his first fundraiser since 2010.
For a guy who’s long denounced the role of big money in politics (see above screengrab from the mayoral website), the Jack Singer Concert Hall affair on April 3 may set a new standard for Calgary civic fundraisers by charging $450 per ticket. (Buy in bulk: 10 for only $4,500!)
By comparison, Dave Bronconnier’s annual cocktail parties charged $200 per person. Ric McIver’s big 2010 mayoral campaign kickoff at a Ramsay hall was a $150-per-person affair — and then he held another that fall in the same Eau Claire building where Bronco used to hold his donor bashes.
Councillors tend to host campaign events for around the same ticket prices (one sorta exception, which I’ll mention later). Nenshi’s $450 ticket price puts him in the same league as Tory leader Alison Redford’s $500-per-plate fundraising dinners in Calgary and Edmonton.
But that’s a dinner. Nenshi’s fundraiser will be cocktails, a speech and a question-answer session. Media will be allowed to a future campaign launch, but probably not to this pre-launch soirée — so that attendees feel comfortable asking questions away from journalists’ ears, explained campaign manager Chima Nkemdirim. (He’s also the mayor’s chief of staff, but at different times and at a different phone number.)
Nkemdirim said they set a high ticket price because the Nenshi campaign after the two midterm years they spent assiduously avoiding any fundraising activities, as per the candidate’s views on campaign finance. Playing catchup? “I think that’s fair to say,” the manager said. “It’s hard to compare to Bronconnier’s events because he held one every year. “
For further contrast, the Bronco bash would attract 2,000 or so people. Nkemdirim predicted what’s being billed as “the only major fundraising event” before the Oct. 21 election will only draw 150 to 250 donors.
“It’s going to be a pretty intimate affair because there’s not that many people that are going to pay that amount.” The campaign is accepting smaller and larger contributions than $450 via website.
(One last comparison: Herald colleagues were allowed to attend and report on Bronconnier’s swanky cocktail affairs. Just sayin’.)
The money game
Nkedmirim did say the incumbent mayor’s formal campaign launch sometime later this spring will be a free and public affair, and he will have other lower-key fundraising events later on. But don’t expect a golf tourney, as neither the mayor or his manager hit the links.
Municipal candidate golf tournament are one place where higher prices have reigned — but for corporate sponsors, not individuals. John Mar’s 2008 event at the Country Hills Golf Club offered hole and event title rights for $500 to $5,000, which has since become the upper limit for individual, union or company. (McIver once accepted $10,000 sponsorships, before that limit came in.)
Nenshi’s campaign will need to raise more than 2010′s haul of $404,000 because a city-wide campaign will cost more this time, Nkemdirim predicted. But they’ll stick to something similar to the last election’s self-imposed limit of 65 cents per Calgarian.
If 250 buy tickets to next month’s Re-elect Nenshi event, that will give the campaign a decent start: $112,500 in one night.