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Stop me if you’ve heard this before: Report muses about new city taxes


BREAKING for the last umpteen years at City Hall: new report or study suggests the city raise revenue with controversial new taxes.

Council will discuss the latest version of this perennial yarn on Friday. A report from a funding symposium for the southeast busway/LRT suggests further study of 27 different revenue tools (read: TAXES!!!!!!!)

It’s a breathless list: 1) Car rental levy 2) Downtown road toll 3) Carpool lane toll 4) Highway toll 5) Gas tax 6) Transit fare hike 7) Differential transit fare 8) Pay-per-driving tax 9) Corporate tax 10) sales tax 11) Payroll tax 12) Income tax 13) Land value capture 14) East Village-style tax increment financing 15) Parking space levy 16) parking sales tax 17) Property tax 18) Developer levy 19) Sell city assets 20) Crowdfunding online 21) Vehicle sales tax 22) Drivers licence tax 23) Hotel levy 24) Auto insurance tax 25) Vehicle registration fee 26) Utility levy 27) Carbon tax.

One wonders why they left out legalization and taxation of blue meth.

This is familiar terrain for City Hall watchers. A looooong history shows that pretty soon after this Cheerio rises to the top of the bowl, politicians swiftly push it down back into the milk.

But hey, we’re always vigilant….

Calgary moving closer to user pay: Mayor touts think-tank’s fees and road tolls

Sun Jan 20 2002
Road tolls and user fees for garbage collection are just two of the bold, new money-saving ideas the city should take a hard look at, say some members of council, responding to initiatives put forward by a Calgary-based think-tank.

The Canada West Foundation is urging municipalities like Calgary to abandon traditional revenue sources, such as property tax, for alternative approaches to increasing funding challenges.

For example, the report released last week suggests cities should make major arteries toll roads and use the revenue to pay for infrastructure, or implement user-pay systems on city services to reduce consumption.

Just back from a meeting with the leaders of five large Canadian cities, Mayor Dave Bronconnier said the ideas are worth considering.

Toll roads an option on Klein’s table: Bronconnier, though, says fuel tax all-important

Mon Mar 25 2002
Toll roads and public-private partnerships will be on the agenda today when Premier Ralph Klein meets with the mayors of Calgary and Edmonton to discuss long-term funding for transportation.

Still, for Calgary Mayor Dave Bronconnier, there’s only one thing that counts: the restoration of the city’s share of the fuel tax beyond 2002-03.

“I would say, ‘Let the talks begin, and we’ll see where they take us,’ ” Klein said Sunday.

Bronconnier and his Edmonton counterpart, Bill Smith, are expected to push Klein to restore the fuel tax beyond next year.

The province has a different agenda: it wants municipalities to look at other options to paying for roads and bridges, beyond cash transfers from the provincial government.

Mayor rejects tax on homes: Bronconnier looks to Tories for funding

Sun Oct 10 2004
Calgary’s mayor is dismissing so-called plans to charge new taxes on suburban homes and creating a two-tiered tax system to fund the city’s burgeoning growth, stressing the idea was briefly mentioned, but never recommended, in a 58-page report.

“It’s fear-mongering,” Dave Bronconnier told the Herald on Saturday.

“It is not the responsibility of the public purse to be subsidizing the development industry.”

Ald. Ric McIver says a report by city planning and building administrators outlines the controversial ideas. Included is a property transfer tax to be paid by homebuyers, while another proposal is a tax system that could see different areas of the city pay separate tax rates.

Cities have enough taxation powers: study

Feb 28 2006

Canadians should be wary of giving municipal governments more tax powers, two new studies suggest.

The findings add fuel to the debate over how senior levels of government should help cities with mounting infrastructure debt.

Municipalities across the country have been calling for access to greater revenues to help them cope with the cost of maintaining or building new civic infrastructure, such as roads, bridges and sewer systems.

In Calgary, Mayor Dave Bronconnier wants the province to surrender the education portion of homeowners’ property tax.

But a report by the C.D. Howe Institute, a Toronto-based think-tank, says Canada’s cities have adequate taxation powers to put their finances in order.

Instead of taking on new tax fields to raise revenue, cities should make use of existing fields, like property taxes, the institute report says.

The four horsemen of the A-tax-alypse

Byline: Scott Hennig

Tue Mar 27 2007
OK, taxpayers, get out your Christmas card list and strike a line through these four names: Calgary Mayor Dave Bronconnier, Edmonton Mayor Stephen Mandel, Calgary Alderman Bob Hawkesworth, and Taber Councillor Don Johnson. These four men are otherwise known as the members of the Minister’s Council on Municipal Sustainability.

In their report to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, the council has recommended a raft of new taxes for municipalities.

If approved by the Stelmach government, municipalities will be allowed to probe your pocketbook for an amusement tax, a tourism tax, a property transfer tax, a vehicle registration tax as well as expanded development levies on new homes or properties.

New city taxing powers studied; Province rejects rural call for share of resource dollars

Tue Jul 17 2007
Alberta kept the door open Monday on a controversial series of proposed civic taxes that could hit consumers in the pocketbook, including potential new fees on vehicle registration, sports tickets and home sales.

However, the Stelmach government rejected a strategy that could have provided cash-strapped rural communities a slice of energy revenues to help pay for the cost of growth.

The news came in response to a report civic leaders presented to the provincial government earlier this year, including a dozen strategies aimed at helping sustain communities in the long term.

Municipal Affairs Minister Ray Danyluk said the government accepts or supports in principle seven of 12 suggestions, such as regional plans that would help resolve disputes between big cities and their neighbours.

“We’ve reviewed this report very carefully and taken its recommendations very seriously,” Danyluk said.

But controversy bubbled up as the province denied a suggestion to give municipalities access to resource dollars, while referring a contentious bid to give municipalities new tax tools for more consultation.

Small-business advocates said the government should have axed the idea of creating new civic tax tools — like an amusement tax, tourism tax or vehicle registration tax.

A property transfer levy, which has been adopted in other provinces, could see an estimated $313 million collected annually from housing transactions — based on homebuyers paying a one per cent levy on a property’s value.

Proposed city tax looms over buyers; Council set to ask for real estate transfer tax

Sat Aug 16 2008
Column: Marty Hope
The fact it’s even being considered again is galling.

Yes, folks, despite objections from some aldermen, city council is once again considering bleeding more money from homeowners — by revisiting the one-per-cent land transfer tax.

In July, council approved an intergovernmental affairs report, a move that could bring about a request from the city to the Stelmach government for changes to the Municipal Government Act.

The request would allow additional income sources for the city, including a land transfer tax.

This decision comes less than a year after Mayor Dave Bronconnier went on TV and said there was no way he wanted anything to do with any new taxes.

Well, guess what? It’s b-a-a-ack.

Is it a done deal?

“While the imposition of the tax is not a done deal yet, what is a done deal is that the city is going to ask for it,” says Ald. Ric McIver, who didn’t support the decision. “They are going to ask for the real estate transfer tax.”

Bulldoze new taxation; City Hall is breaking promise of no new taxes

Fri Jul 25 2008
Section: The Editorial Page
Citizens should be furious to learn some of their municipal representatives have reneged on an election promise, quietly voting in favour of asking the province for the ability to impose a land transfer fee. After all, it was only nine months ago, during the televised mayoralty debate, when Mayor Dave Bronconnier vowed the city would not push for new taxation powers.

That was before the election. To make such a move now — without a mandate to do so, with no debate and little transparency — shows a lack of accountability. If the city is going to try to bring in a new tax, the least it can do is consult with the public.

The land transfer tax is being pitched as a revenue stream to help build affordable housing units. The proposal is buried in an administrative framework approved at the last council meeting, listing preferred amendments to provincial legislation in support of affordable housing.

Council must get spending-cut religion; Demise of transfer tax plan welcome but is not enough

Tue Feb 24 2009

Source: The Editorial Page
The good news is council has come to its senses and has, for now, scrapped its pursuit of a one-per-cent land transfer tax.

The bad news: It will continue debating a levy upon land developers on both new and redevelopment projects. From the perspective of housing affordability, a tax on industry equals higher costs for the consumer.

Still, council’s retreat Monday from the controversial real estate fee shows aldermen are tuning into the public’s pent up anger — finally — at the city’s seemingly insatiable appetite for cash.

This all began last July when the latest incarnation of the land transfer fee was surreptitiously introduced, buried in a report to the province and shamefully disguised as a support for affordable housing. It came months after the election, when Mayor Dave Bronconnier promised the city would not push for new taxation powers.

Developers to pay more in suburbs; Change could add $10,000 to house cost, says industry

Tue Jul 20 2010
Monday’s discussion also produced the latest and perhaps the last punches in the years-long public sparring between Bronconnier and Ald. Ric McIver, his would-be successor.

McIver attempted to block a pledge by the city and industry to explore asking the province for taxing powers on things like property transfer, vehicle registration and amusement — a request Calgary has unsuccessfully made before.

Bronconnier reiterated suggestions that some politicians were trying to grab headlines.

“Those are headlines that need to be grabbed,” McIver shot back, saying that residents should be shielded from even the suggestion of new types of taxation.

‘Penny tax’ may boost Calgary facilities

Tue Sep 27 2011
Business leaders applauded a proposed new tax that fellow prominent Calgarians believe could pay for badly needed arts and sports complexes – now all that group needs is the OK from three levels of government and a majority of Calgarians.

Outside the friendly reception that Transformation Calgary got Monday for its dedicated “penny tax” at the chamber of commerce, Mayor Naheed Nenshi and federal Finance Minister Jim Flaherty were both far more lukewarm to the idea.

It’s a concept unique to Canada but one that’s worked in the United States – an extra percentage point in sales tax, endorsed by voters in a plebiscite, that must go to a specific infrastructure project, such as a new museum.

Flaherty swiftly rejected a mayor’s pitch in 2007 to let cities keep one point of the GST, and he didn’t seem to embrace a similar idea four years later.

“Provincial or municipal taxation is a provincial or municipal decision,” Flaherty spokeswoman Mary Ann Dewey-Plante wrote in an e-mail.

“But we are interested in lowering taxes for Canadians; that’s why our Conservative government reduced the GST from seven per cent to five per cent.”

Tories tell city new taxes would need voter support; Policy echoes Ed Stelmach

Wed Apr 11 2012
The provincial Tories would only let Calgary council create new taxes or levies after getting voter endorsement for such measures – a campaign promise that would sap much of the appeal of the party’s pledge to draft a charter for the city.

“I suppose paternalism will be eaten away one step at a time,” said Ald. Richard Pootmans, an ally of Mayor Naheed Nenshi’s bid to get its own revenue-generating tools to ease the city’s reliance on the good graces of provincial grants.

Nenshi gets even less on this front from Alberta’s other would-be governing party. The Wildrose party is shutting the door on new revenue-generating powers for cities.

Nenshi’s office has released the answers to its much-hyped Cities Matter questionnaire, getting answers from five parties on everything from police funding to the southwest ring road.

Nenshi has pressed for a city charter that unyokes Calgary from reliance on other governments’ generosity and would let it find new ways to fund transit or infrastructure upgrades. He has mused about new “revenue tools,” from an extra cent of GST to a vehicle registration levy.

City tax powers opposed by small business

Sat Nov 10 2012
Fearing more fees and levies on top of their property taxes, small business owners don’t want new legislation giving municipalities more billing powers.

According to a survey released by the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, a majority of independent business owners do not support the provincial government’s efforts to negotiate charter agreements with municipalities.

“These agreements could essentially give the city new revenue-generating authority, the ability to create new levies, new fees,” said Richard Truscott, Alberta director for CFIB.

Small business owners, who already pay higher property taxes than most residences of the same value, are afraid they may be facing new tourism levies, fuel taxes, or property transfer fees, Truscott argues.

Earlier this week, Mayor Naheed Nenshi said he was convinced the province could still grant his council the right to new tax powers in a city charter, despite members of the legislature suggesting otherwise.

Nenshi has said he doesn’t want to raise Calgarians’ overall tax burden, but he does want new money sources for the city other than property tax if the charter talks lead to greater responsibilities for Calgary and Edmonton.

Civic leaders in Calgary have repeatedly floated various potential taxes, from a hotel tax to vehicle registration tax to a GST hike – “penny tax” – to pay for new infrastructure.

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